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October 27 Branch Meeting
Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Race
PART II – Break Out Discussion on Zoom


Dear ,

As the second part of our Fall program, we will follow up the September Branch Meeting talk on this subject with an online break-out session of groups of four or five members (dependent on the number of participants to the meeting) discussing issues arising from our September talk, and applied more concretely to our own thinking about, and presentation of, anthroposophy.  These small groups will be facilitated by the Zoom “rooms” function; all who join the meeting will be randomly assigned a subgroup after an initial calling of the meeting to order and a brief introduction.

Details for the Zoom meeting are:

Topic: Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Race
Time: Oct 27, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 2998 3273
Passcode: 258177

Each group will examine in turn the question, simply put:  

Where are we today with Anthroposophy and race

— each group being free to pursue this as they see fit.  Each group will have a monitor assigned to ensure everyone understands the process.  Each group is to nominate a spokesperson to report back to the whole group at the end the issues and findings of the breakout session.  The breakout session will be limited to twenty minutes.


Links to documents referenced in September’s talk can be found at https://www.anthroposophysantacruz.com/rudolf-steiner-anthroposophy-and-racism/

A video of the September talk is also on that page, although viewing it requires a password, which can be provided on request to coregroup@anthroposophysantacruz.com

Susan Goldstein, Susan Cook, David Eyes, and  John Baring – the Core Group

The Core Group
Santa Cruz & Monterey Bay Anthroposophical Society
a branch of
The Anthroposophical Society in America

Santa Cruz Monterey Bay Anthropsophical Society
PO Box 2814
Aptos, CA 95001
United States