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About the Branch

Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher and “spiritual scientist” who developed a profound cosmological view of the universe (Anthroposophy) and inspired the founding of Waldorf Education, Biodynamic Agriculture, the movement art of Eurythmy, the Camphill Communities, and several other artistic and therapeutic modalities, all of which are ongoing and thriving throughout the world today.
Our branch offers myriad activities for the enrichment of our members and the general community. Lectures, music, theatrical performances, study groups, and potluck gatherings are just some of the branch-sponsored events available.
Many members also actively work out of Anthroposophical initiatives in their daily lives. These include Social Therapy at the Camphill Communities, Waldorf and Waldorf-inspired education, art therapy, biodynamic farming, threshold work, storytelling, and economic work based on Steiner’s ideas about the Threefold Social Order.
With these rich and varied activities, the vibrant Anthroposophical community of the Santa Cruz/Monterey area offers opportunities for all who wish to participate.
We welcome you to join us! Contact us for more information.

What is Anthroposophy?

Anthroposophy is a source of spiritual knowledge and a practice of inner development.
Through it one seeks to penetrate the mystery of our relationship with the spiritual world by searching for answers and insights that come through a schooling of one’s inner life. It draws, and strives to build, on the spiritual research of Rudolf Steiner, who maintained that every human being (anthropos) has the inherent wisdom (sophia) to solve the riddles of existence and to transform both self and society. Rudolf Steiner shared the results of this research in 40 books and in over 6,000 lectures now available in 300 volumes. He is increasingly recognized as a seminal thinker of the 20th century and one of humanity’s great spiritual teachers.*


The Goetheanum is the heart of a global network of spiritually dedicated people. As the home of the School of Spiritual Science and the General Anthroposophical Society, it serves to facilitate exchange among those researching spiritual issues, and as a training center in various artistic and scientific fields. The Goetheanum is the setting for events ranging from lectures on specialist colloquia to large international congresses. The Goetheanum stage presents performances by its own ensembles in Eurythmy, drama, puppetry and music. Located in the foothills of the Jura mountains, 10 km south of Basel, the Goetheanum rises in its expressive architecture on Dornach Hill.  For more information visit www.goethanum.org

We welcome two kinds of members: dues paying members and mailing list or “associate” members.  Sign up for our mailing list and receive the latest updates from the Branch.

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